woot. went town for movie with lun zhi he and hong wei. went to take neoprints b4 the movie. LOL! so paiseh. outside the neoprint shop got a bunch of girls laughing at us!! 4 guys taking neoprints?! soo gay!! hahaha why cant?! =/ 4th time taking neoprints! lol.
deathnote 2 was nice, tho the middle part was abit dry. the death gods are so cute. i wish i can hav them as pets. LOL!!
school's gonna start!! ahh. so fast. =(
aha! first few pics uploaded on my blog!! lol. the theme shall be.. secondary school life!
secondary school years!! missin them. miss those times crapping in class blablabla. with clique hanging around after school. hmm.. duno should use carefree anot. lol. those times when kangwei and i were like comparing who is taller.. blablabla and chinese chesss. lol! this competition has yet to end ok!! and also.. comparing with alvin over who fitter!! haha. anyway i feel that he sure fitter la!! he jump so high and sprint so fast! his bball dam pro oso.. haha. but my chin-ups win ok!
first impression of gettin in this 'notorious' class of 3B,4B.. was that.. 'ahh!! doomed!! how to study in this environment!!' haha. now come to think of it,塞翁失马,焉知非福, i dun think this has been an obstacle in my learning journey. instead, it has provided an enviroment in which i learn how to be 'oblivious' to the distractions around and stay focused, concentrated.. stayin focused is very important!! in wateva u do.. yup..
hmm.. few more pics =/
coming up nxt.. the dota xiao clan!!.. -.-